
Transparent printed antennas

In addition to printing and integrating RFID antennas into a membrane keypad, it is also possible to print antennas almost invisibly. This is achieved using high-performance metal mesh structures, which are known for their excellent conductivity. Conventional metal mesh techniques usually lack the high optical transparency. The wider the spacing or the thinner and narrower the conductor paths (less than ten micrometres), the greater the transparency. The antennas can be flexibly adapted to specific customer requirements, whether in terms of transparency, conductivity or design. Multilayer designs can also be realised. In addition to NFC, other connectivity standards can be realised, including 5G mobile communications.

Geduckte RFID Antenne integriert in eine Folientastatur
Geduckte RFID Antenne integriert in eine Folientastatur

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Foto Michael Ebert
Michael Ebert
Projektleiter Sales Folientastaturen und elektrotechnische Komponenten
Project Manager Sales Membrane Keypads and Electrotechnical Components
Responsable de projet Sales Claviers à membrane et composants électrotechniques
+41 52 742 75 63
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