Collaborative robots

Employees and robots working together for success

The market for collaborative robots is growing rapidly. A robot is not intended to replace an employee, but to assist him or her with monotonous, tedious and repetitive tasks, or can even take over physically demanding work completely. SMEs need new, flexible and cost-effective automation solutions to keep production in the tough market. The focus here is very much on efficient and flexible collaboration between humans and robots. Safe interaction, faster process steps and decreasing costs are just a few of the many benefits that cobots bring. No matter if it is about gluing, packaging or screwing of components, the robot supports your employees in every respect. We would be happy to come to your production for a personal consultation and show you your options.

Cobot greift Bauteil aus einer Kiste
Cobot greift Bauteil aus einer Kiste
Material handling

Palletizing, packaging, bin picking


Screwing, insertion of parts

Machine loading

CNC, injection molding, ICT


Gluing, painting, sealing

Material removal

Grinding, deburring, milling


Polishing, emerizing, cleaning

UR20 Cobot stapelt Pakete zum Versand
UR20 Cobot stapelt Pakete zum Versand
System integration

Cobots and Phoenix Mecano

Cobots from Dobot and UR Universal Robots, with their simple operation and the ever-growing market of accessories, offer enormous flexibility in application. We combine this flexibility with our broad knowledge in the field of lean production to offer you individual and customized complete solutions that take your production processes to the next level. As a system integrator, we guarantee a safe application and a secure cooperation between man and robot.

UR20 Cobot stapelt Pakete zum Versand
UR20 Cobot stapelt Pakete zum Versand
Process current

Successful use of cobots

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Did you know?
We network!

UR cobots can easily be linked to our SETAGO Pick by Light worker guidance system and integrated into workstations.

Cobots products and accessories from Universal Robots

Learn more about cobots, accessories, robot carts and the world of certified peripherals here.
Why Phoenix Mecano

This is why we are your perfect partner for collaborative robot solutions

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Application check on site

We evaluate potential applications – together with you, directly on site

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Live demonstration

Convince yourself of the cobots from Dobot and UR Universal Robots

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Proof of concept

To ensure that your project is a success, we carry out a proof of concept in advance

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Everything from one source

We take care of everything! From the concept development to the integration of the certified system

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ROI calculation

We will gladly calculate the ROI for your robot application

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After-sales service

After the handover of the system, we will gladly take care of the service and maintenance

Your contact person

Contact us for an application check including a demonstration as well as an ROI calculation.

Foto Gregory Pross
Gregory Pross
Technischer Verkaufsberater Software und Robotics
Technical Sales Consultant Software and robotics
Conseiller technique client Software et robotique
+41 79 253 66 39
Online Termin buchen

Grundgestell für Cobot Schweissarbeiten mit Schutzzaun
Grundgestell für Cobot Schweissarbeiten mit Schutzzaun

Basic frame for automatic welding

Basic frame with Blocan profile system
Cobot from Universal Robot
Linear unit from RK Rose+Krieger