
Our leasing financing for your robot solution

With lease financing, companies of all sizes - from small startups to multinationals - can take advantage of mobile robotics solutions with little or no upfront costs and smart monthly payments. This lowers the financial barriers to investing in AMRs and gives you a near-instant return on investment (ROI).

Already from an hourly rate of CHF 4.75.- you can use our mobile robot in your production. This calculation is based on a weekly use of 40 hours and a leasing period of 6 years. If you work in two or three shifts, the costs per hour are even lower!

Mobiler Roboter transportiert ein Regal
Mobiler Roboter transportiert ein Regal
No capital expenditure required
The devices pay for themselves immediately
Low monthly costs and no liquidity shortages


*Non-binding financing data


Selling price (CHF):   51'670
Leasing (%):                      8
Lease term (J.):                  6

Complete price: 55'803.6 CHF

Residual payment (2%): 1'116.07 CHF
Monthly rate: 759.55 CHF
Hourly rate (160h/Monat): 4.75 CHF


A better way to pay

How does our leasing offer work?

After you agree on a financing offer with our leasing partner, we send you the product and the invoice goes to the leasing partner.

From here on, you pay your installments directly to your leasing partner and thus benefit from direct communication.

Übersicht, wie ein Leasing Geschäft funktioniert
Übersicht, wie ein Leasing Geschäft funktioniert

Our leasing offer provides you with numerous advantages

Our leasing robots

Discover our leasing products and find your optimal robot solution
Why Phoenix Mecano

That's why we are your perfect leasing partner for robot solutions

Application check on site

We evaluate potential applications – together with you, directly on site

ROI calculation

We will gladly calculate the ROI for your robot application

After-sales service

After the handover of the system, we will gladly take care of the service and maintenance

Your contact person

Are you interested in our leasing offer? Then please feel free to contact me!

Foto Gregory Pross
Gregory Pross
Technischer Verkaufsberater Software und Robotics
Technical Sales Consultant Software and robotics
Conseiller technique client Software et robotique
+41 79 253 66 39
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